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Counsellor, Therapy, Mental health, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Trauma,

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Relationship anxiety

Relationship anxiety is a common problem that affects many people. It can be something that creeps into a relationship over time, or it can be there before the relationship has even started. It can be a natural response to feeling like we need someone, or it can be brought on by the fear of rejection, abandonment and perceived failure.

What Is Relationship Anxiety

Relationship anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness and worry about a relationship. It can be caused by many different things, including the fear of being intimate with your partner, or that you won’t be able to make your partner happy or keep them interested in you, resulting in them leaving you. It can also come from past relationship experiences that have create a pattern of anxiety around any relationship that is hard to break (e.g., trauma).

Relationship anxiety can be caused by many things, including being in a new relationship. If you're starting to date someone and are feeling anxious, it may be because you're afraid of the future or unsure if this person is right for you.

If your partner is constantly making demands on you and pressuring you to do things that make them happy - even if they don't make sense - your anxiety will likely increase over time as well. This type of situation often leads people who are anxious about their relationships into abusive relationships where they feel trapped and unable to leave out of fear that their partners will hurt them if they do so (and sometimes even when there's no reason for such fears).

Symptoms of Relationship Anxiety

The symptoms of relationship anxiety are often subtle and can be difficult to spot. You may not even realise you're experiencing them until someone points them out, or you read about them in this article.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Overly sensitive to criticism
  • Tendency to be overly critical of yourself and others (also known as "self-talk")
  • Tendency to blame yourself for things that aren't your fault
  • Being overly sensitive to criticism from others

How to Handle Relationship Anxiety

If you have relationship anxiety, it's likely that you are feeling overwhelmed by the situation. Consider talking to a friend or family member who can help support you during this time.

It may be difficult for them as well! They might be worried about what will happen next or if things will ever get better between the two of you. It's important not only for them but also for yourself that both parties involved try their best at communicating with each other throughout this process so everyone knows where they stand and can work together toward resolving any issues that arise in order not just today but also tomorrow (and beyond).

Don't try changing each other into someone else/your perfect match - instead focus on being there unconditionally no matter what happens next (even if it means breaking up). The most important thing when dealing with relationship anxiety is making sure both partners feel comfortable enough around each other before moving forward together because otherwise things might end up worse than before which would defeat our original goal here...

Relationship anxiety is a very real thing, and it can cause a lot of stress in your life. But there are ways to deal with this issue and move on from it. If you're experiencing relationship anxiety, don't feel bad about it! You aren't alone--many people do so every day. The key is just finding ways to help yourself through this difficult time: maybe by talking with others who have been through similar experiences or trying some self-care techniques such as meditation.

If you are suffering with relationship anxiety, please get in contact with Three Oaks Therapy for more information or to arrange an appointment.

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