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Managing workplace anxiety

Workplace anxiety is a common problem that can be hard to handle. It's normal to feel anxious in certain situations, but when it interferes with your work or home life, that's when you need to take action.

Causes of workplace anxiety

Workplace anxiety can be causes by many things, including workload and responsibilities, communication difficulties, office culture, and personal factors. Workload and responsibilities can lead to stress and anxiety if they are overwhelming or if you feel unsupported in managing them.

Communication difficulties, such as unclear expectations or conflicts with colleagues or supervisors, can also contribute to workplace anxiety. Additionally, a negative or toxic office culture can cause stress and anxiety, as can personal factors such as past trauma or anxiety disorders. Understanding the root causes of your workplace anxiety can help you develop effective strategies for managing it.

Know the signs

If you're experiencing workplace anxiety, you may notice a range of physical, emotional, and behavioural symptoms. Physically, you may feel tense, fatigued, or experience headaches or stomach aches. You may have trouble sleeping, relaxing and switching off. You may also suffer with sweats, nausea and a racing pulse.

Emotionally, you may feel irritable, worried, or have difficulty concentrating. You may avoid certain tasks or situations, procrastinate, or have difficulty making decisions.

Managing workplace anxiety

Work with your employer. If there are things that are causing stress in the workplace - like an unfair workload or overly demanding boss - talk with them about changing them. You may even want to ask for support from HR if necessary, who can give advice on dealing with difficult situations in the office environment.

Try to find ways of improving workplace culture at large (or at least within your team). For example: Does everyone have enough time off? Are they getting enough breaks during long days? Do people get along well together? These kinds of small changes will make all workers feel better about themselves and reduce unnecessary stress levels over time!

Seek professional advice. If you're feeling overwhelmed and anxious at work, it's important to get help. Talking to a counsellor may help you identify the root cause of your anxiety and develop ways to manage your emotions better.

The next time you think about workplace anxiety, remember that it's a common problem and there are many ways to manage it. If you need help with your anxiety, consult with a mental health professional who can offer strategies for managing the symptoms of this condition.

If you are suffering with workplace anxiety, please get in contact with Three Oaks Therapy for more information or to arrange an appointment.

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