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Counsellor, Therapy, Mental health, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Trauma,

Addiction, Psychotherapist

A simple overview of Safe and Sound Protocol

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

The Safe and Sound Protocol is an auditory therapeutic tool that is designed to help retune your Automatic nervous system (ANS) to sense for queues of safety this reduces your body’s sense of danger and can then lower your feelings of anxiety and fear. Used alongside mental health therapies it can improve your journey to improved and balanced mental health.

How does it work?

The human body has a nervous system running through every part and sometimes due to previous trauma, mental health issues or physical challenges this system can become out of sync with the world around it.

When this happens your Automatic nervous system (ANS) can be constantly in alert mode awaiting danger around every corner, this in turn means you will be feeling more stress, anxiety, fear and worry. This can lead impact on your mental health and compound any trauma you experience.

SSP uses music that has been adjusted using a unique filtering system designed by Dr. Stephen Porges and delivered using the technology from Unyte ils.

This music is designed to retrain your hearing system and then in turn your Vagus nerve which is all part of the Automatic nervous system  by help it become aware of the safety queues around you.

In simple terms it helps your nervous system to feel safe.

What can it help with?

SSP has been proven to show real benefits in supporting children and adults with:

  • Emotional regulation
  • Anxiety
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • High Stress
  • Issues created from increase stress or worry

And many more conditions.

Its effectiveness with children with Autism has been proven with a wide range of studies and clinical trials.

For more information go to:

What does all that mean to someone who is not a therapist?

I have heard many times from clients ‘It’s difficult to understand terms when I read about counselling and therapy ‘ or ‘ I don’t know what all that jargon means’.

So, in nontechnical jargon:

We all know we have nerves running though our body but what we may not be aware of how much information this part of us creates and responds too and most of this happens with out our conscious brain being aware.

A simple example, I assume most of us have had to walk alone in the dark at times and I bet most if not all at some point have started thinking someone or something is there but can’t work out what.

This is your nervous system at work it is sensing potential danger and triggering your fight or flight mode but your brain cant make sense of what your body is sensing so starts to make up thoughts of a person or something dangerous around the corner.

This is normal it is what would have kept the human race alive when we were hunter gatherers but this system can go faulty.

When this happens your body i.e., your nervous system becomes over sensitive to danger and senses it everywhere causing you to have the feelings of fear such as anxious, stress, worry and more.

Safe and sound works on desensitising the nervous system via the nerves used for hearing by playing music that is adjusted to sound safe. This is the auditory range a mother would use to comfort her baby.

Once your body feels safe or safer you can start to deal with the trauma or challenges that are impacting your life through counselling or other therapies and find a balanced mental state.

Now SSP is much more complex that this so for more info:

Contact me using my ‘Get in touch’ section if you have questions.

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