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Addiction, Psychotherapist

5 Common Mental Health Problems Men Face
Mental health is a universal concern that affects people of all genders. However, it's essential to acknowledge that men often face unique challenges and experiences when it comes to their mental well-being. Societal expectations, traditional gender roles, and the stigma surrounding mental health can create distinct hurdles for men in seeking help and expressing their […]
The Ripple Effect: How Men’s Mental Health Impacts Relationships, Work, and Wellbeing
In a society that often places a premium on stoicism and resilience, discussing men's mental health remains an essential yet frequently overlooked conversation. The truth is, men's mental health has a profound impact not only on their personal wellbeing but also on their relationships and work life. At Three Oaks Therapy, I believe that addressing […]
Shattering Stigma: Empowering Men to Seek Help for their Mental Well-being
In a world that often glorifies stoicism and self-reliance, it's not uncommon for men to feel the weight of societal expectations bearing down on them. As I write this, I find myself reflecting on a deeply important topic that affects many of us: the stigma surrounding men's mental health. For far too long, the notion […]
Exploring the Dangers of Bottling Up Emotions in Men
I want to tackle an issue that has been close to my heart: the dangers of bottling up emotions in men. Society often expects men to be strong, stoic, and unaffected by their feelings. But let's break free from these outdated stereotypes and explore why it's crucial for men to express their emotions in a […]
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay: A Story of my Mental Health Recovery
I used to work in the world of IT, running a 24/7/365 operations team. At the beginning, it was a fun and challenging job. But after a while, it started to take over my life and damage my mental and physical health. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was only after I […]
Exploring the Challenges of Men’s Mental Health
Men's mental health has become more of a discussion topic over the last few years, yet there is still a long way to go. In a society where men are expected to be strong, independent, and invulnerable, it can be difficult to admit when we're struggling emotionally. However, it's important to recognise that men, just […]

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